2020 AGM – Percy and Founders – 13th February 2020

25 members attended the AGM and enjoyed a great dinner on 13th February.

You can read the minutes at Minutes of AGM 2020

After the AGM the presentations were as follows.

Captain Neil Blundy presents trophies to Digby Hebbard – “Player of the Year” and Rob Seeley – “Jubilee Cup Winner for the 2019 Tour to La Cala”.  Also unavailable on the night  Michael Trott winner of the “Autumn Cup” on 40 points. All proved difficult to see in the picture!!!



Jason Wood received the Spring Cup for his 36 points at Moor Park






John Biscoe scored a creditable 33 at the Buckinghamshite to secure the Captain’s Cup






Chris Anderson came in with a magnificent 38 points round the challenging Ashridge GC to secure the Finlinson Cup





Joel Evans scored an outstanding 39 points to take home the Presidents Cup from the well presented Abridge GC.





Neil Meixner won the Recessionary Bowl for the second year in a row with 35 points mainly because he was the only member who bothered to turn up!! Not true quite there were 6 others!!




John Bush and Ken Adams presented the Bush Trophy for services to the EPIC Golfing Society to Darrell Lewis

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