
We thought we’d get away with a dry day! How wrong we were!!!! Although it started well there was some torrential rain for all on the front 9. The course was very wet anyway after record rain in early October.

Abridge Golf Club were absolutely fabulous at catering for us during these Covid times!! We were treated to a great meal in pleasant surroundings organised so well that at times one forgot we were in the middle of a pandemic!! Many thanks to the staff.

The Ball sweep added £325 to the Rosie’s Rainbow Fund coffers. Thank you all.

Scoring was excellent, by some, considering the conditions.

The President’s Cup, for EPIC Members, was won by Matthew Jones on 37 points (Cut 2) who received the trophy form Captain and runner-up Ian Stevenson 35 points (Cut 1)

The Guest Prize was won by Stuart Norris again with a great 37 points

The Team competition was the closest fought with the “Dream Team” of Luke Croll and Jamie Dredge on 45 points narrowly beating two teams on 44 points to snatch the prize.

Charles Gjertsen won Nearest the Pin in 2

Guest Oliver Tobin won Nearest the Pin.

Well done to all our winners

The next event is Letchworth for “Family and Friends” on Tuesday December 29.

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