Captain’s Day – Bishops Stortford

Captain Jason Wood welcomed 20 members and their 10 guests to a chilly but dry Bishops Stortford on Thursday 28th April for the first of our events for 2022.

We enjoyed ham, egg and chips before golf, 18 holes and a great 2-course dinner afterwards. The course was in great condition and although there were some alterations due to extensive improvements underway on the course everyone had a thoroughly good time!!

All the prizes, presented by Jason Wood, were well contested with the Team Prize going to Ken Adams and Matthew Jones with 44 points just pipping  Neil Blundy and Aaron Hughes on count-back.

Team Winners – Ken Adams and Matthew Jones

Nearest the Pin was 2 yards from the hole and won by David Wannerton

Nearest the Pin on 8 – David Wannerton

Nearest the Pin in 2 was awarded to Roger Smith

Nearest the Pin in 2 on 14 – Roger Smith

The Guest Prize was scooped up by Drew Norman on 38 points from Alistair Cull on 36.

Guest Winner – Drew Norman

Two members went head to head for the coveted “Captains Cup” with Digby Hebbard (Cut 2) winning out on count-back from James Barrett (Cut 1) both on 37 points. Unfortunately Digby couldn’t stay for the presentation so in time honoured fashion the Cup will be presented to Digby at the next event.

Second Place James Barrett receives a handshake and bottle of wine from Jason Wood

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