Thursday the 29th September and Gog Magog provided the perfect setting for the Autumn Cup. 19 members and 10 guests enjoyed the Wandlebury Course for a change.
Scoring was excellent with 6 players beating their handicap on the day, a great haul, one as you’ll note later smashed it!!
After golf we all enjoyed some great banter, a tasty 2 course meal and of course the prizes!!
Nearest the Pin was awarded to Neil Meixner
The team prize went to a combination of James Barrett and Steve Haley
Guest winner with a magnificent 45 points was Colin Teagle
Andrew Hardy won the Nearest the Pin in 2.
David Wannerton won the EPIC Autumn Cup with 38 points (cut 2) from John Biscoe 37 points (cut 1).
That concludes the main events for 2022. Watch out for your invitation to attend the “Family and Friends” event at Letchworth GC on Wednesday 28th December 2022 and the AGM on 7th February 2023