This year’s event took place at Thorndon Park, a fantastic course to play. The food was, as usual, excellent and the company great.
Captain David Wannerton led our team valiantly into battle.
He bravely took on two of the foe single-handed and managed to hold them until the final hole.
The rest of the team (Andy Fewings, Robert Seeley, David Smith, Neil Meixner, Will Evans, Paul Houghton, Nick Archer, Malcolm Marshall, Michael Foster and Graham Howe) used all their guile and cunning but unfortunately came up just short.
Many of the matches ended on the last hole so a 4.5 to 1.5 margin flatters the opposition somewhat.
However the truth of the matter is that we have still failed to defeat them in 5 attempts.
Good luck to Nick Archer next year, when we will have home advantage and hopefully the run of the greens!