We were blessed with a great day. Sun and “lightish” winds for November.
This was our final qualifying event for the coveted “Player of the Year”. An extremely close fought thing this year!! More later
17 members and 11 guests set out with high expectations on this great course. The greens were understandably slower than in the peak season and there was little run on the fairways, so many found it a challenge.
However skill will out and our guest prize went to Chris Elwin who scored 39 points playing off 6 so 3 over the course! Well played indeed. If I tell you that the winning team score was 40 and Nick Archer and Chris Elwin didn’t win ……………..then you can draw your own conclusions!!!!!!
Anyway, Nearest the Pin and Nearest the Pin in 2 competitions were won by Jason Wood and Neil Meixner respectively. Well done to them.
The team prize was the closest I can ever recall with no less than 9 of the 14 teams returning 38 or better!!
However Jason Wood and Andrew Richardson won on 40 points from both the Neil Blundy/Michael Hodson and Luke/John Molyneux combinations on countback. Great scoring guys.
The Presidents Cup for EPIC Members was hotly contested as ever with Gavin Tuck (cut2) prevailing on 34 points from Jason Wood (cut 1) who pipped Rob Seeley on countback both on 33 points.
So the final arithmetic has been done after the 5 qualifying events for the player of the year which rewards the most constant player over the summer. The best 3 scores from the possible 5 are added to provide a total stableford tally.
In reverse order Jason Wood and Steve Davies 100 points, Chris Anderson 101 points with Iain Stevenson taking the title on 102 points. Many congratulation to Iain .
The next event is the friends and family golf day this year at West Herts on Friday 28th December 2018 starting at 10.30. Member can find an attendance form in the members section but an invitation email will be sent in the usual way to members shortly.