The now traditional EPiC v BAGS match took place at the magnificent Ashridge Golf course on Tuesday 16th April 2024. The greens were fast and the competition fierce but friendly. The weather was very kind allowing us to be safely tucking into the great meal provide by the club whilst we watched a massive hailstorm “white-out” the course.
Many thanks to this years Captain Fiona Watson for coming along and encouraging us all off the starting tee.
Pictured here BAGS Captain Miles Wilkinson presenting the BAGS v EPiC Trophy to Jason Wood (playing captain for EPiC), AGAIN!!
Yes, EPiC prevailed for the third year in a row over BAGS 4 games to 2!
Here are the details
Rob Seeley and David Wannerton narrowly lost on the 18th hole, Steve Davies and Neil Meixner won a tight match 3&2, Digby Hebbard and Chris Sunderland were well beaten by some exceptional play 5&4, Darrell Lewis and Matt Jones trounced the opposition by a dog licence (7&6), Martyn Howie and Ro Harper won a tight match 2&1 with Jason Wood and Iain Stevenson bringing home the victory with a 5&3 win in their match.
Congratulations to all.