Letchworth – 28th December 2022 – Recessionary Bowl

30 brave souls, members and family and friends, ventured forth in the rain and wind to try and post a reasonable score on the challenging Letchworth course.

Returning wet but unbroken to the warmth of the clubhouse all enjoyed a filling two-course meal.

Afterwards Jason Wood was finally presented, by last years winner Ben Hurworth, with the Claret Jug, for winning the Jubilee Cup on tour in Vilamoura in the Autumn

So how did they do on the day at Letchworth?

This years Captain Jason wood did the presentations as follows:-

Nearest the Pin – Adam Merry

Nearest the Pin in 2 – Rob Seeley

2nd in the Team  competition were Bill and Adam Merry, Neil Meixner and Steven Barker with 82 Points in the Waltz competition

However Team Winners were Simon Rose, Gary Crump, Derek Vickers, Charlie Nicholas and James Rideout with 88 points

Winner of the Guest Prize with a magnificient 40 points was James Rideout

Winner of the cherished Recessionary Rose Bowl for the 6th time was Bill Merry on 35 points.

Great work to all the winners. That concludes the 2022 season!

Finally a reminder that the AGM is on 7th February at Mark Masons’ Hall. Address 86 St James’s St, St. James’s, London SW1A 1PL

6pm for 6.30 prompt followed by a silver service meal!

Put the date in your diary. Details will follow by email very shortly.


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