Letchworth 30th December 2024

31 Epic Members, Friends and Family enjoyed a splendid day’s golf at Letchworth GC. The day was chilly but bright with some sunshine and no rain or snow – not bad for mid-winter. A welcome bacon roll + tea/coffee warmed our souls prior to tackling the amazing course off the yellow tees for the gentlemen and reds for the ladies!!

A Great Day out at Letchworth

As is traditional the team prize was for the best “Waltz” score 1,2,3 – 1,2,3 being the best 1 ,2 or 3 Stableford scores on the holes repeated all the way round, making 72 being the “Par” score for 18 holes. There were prizes for Nearest the Pin, Nearest the Pin in 2, Gentleman and Ladies Guest best score and the EPiC Recessionary Bowl winner.

After Golf everyone enjoyed a warming 2 course meal prepared by the club who as usual looked after us impeccably

After the meal the first trophy was presented to Chris Sunderland who in 2024 at Ashridge became only the 4th member to get a hole in one in the 47 year history of the society. Chris is seen here with the Martyn Rowlands trophy

Incoming Captain presented the prizes for the day as follows

Nearest the Pin on 14 – Steve Davies
Nearest the Pin in 2 on 9 – Guest John O’Dwyer
Waltz Team Winners – Guests – Simon Rose, Martin Hart, Tony Corfield and Franco Noto

The Waltz was won on 88 points from second place at 81, so by some distance!!

Ladies Winner – Yvonne Davies with 33 points from second place 25
Guest Winner – Nick Standon won a very close competition with a magnificent 38 points from Tony Corfield and Simon Rose both with 37
EPiC Recessionary Bowl Winner – Geoff Green wins a 4-Ball voucher and the coveted Rose-bowl with a score of 35 points from next best at 32

That completes the events for 2024!!

The next event is the AGM & Dinner on the 5th February 2025. I look forward to seeing as many members there as possible!!

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