A great day was had by all!!
It was however colder and damper than expected but this didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the 21 members and 12 guests who attended and enjoyed an excellently presented course with a magnificent meal in awesome surroundings afterwards.
After Dinner David Jenkins was presented with 2 replica Jubilee Trophies for his two successive wins on tour in 2015 & 2016. He’s not coming on tour this year to give someone else a chance!!!!
Back to the Moor Park Day – The Nearest the Pin was won by Jason Wood and Nearest the Pin in 2 by David Torrance both with fine shots.
The scoring reflected the difficulty of the course with the team prize being picked up by Iain Stevenson and his guest Jonothan Potter on 40 points with Gamma Basra and Allan Leitch losing out on countback!!
The Guest Winner was our host, Moor Park Captain Mark Highfield who showed us how the course should be played with a par score 36 stableford points.
The EPIC Spring Cup Winner was Neil Blundy (Cut 2) on 33 with Will Evans (Cut 1) losing out by that one putt!!!!!
Congratulations to all our winners